School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

Explore. Dream. Discover.

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Malcolm! This is Becky, from the Becky and Stacy crew in Nice at New Years. Just wanted to say hello and that I’d love to stay in touch. Please contact me at my email address, and say hello to American Andy for me. Are you still in France?? I wish you great joy and laughter. Becky

Becky Henderson

February 28, 2013

Hello Malcom,
we met briefly BEFORE your presentation yesterday @ Kate’s; the last “can” I shook not stirred; would like to invite you to lunch at my digs along with Tom Saunders (architect/tarot guy) and Barry Delaney (car fanatic/esoteric writer/asked the “what is curiosity” question…please ring me on +33 (0)6 76 14 21 51; Bear regards, Paul


April 5, 2013


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