School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

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A creative coffee?

June 25, 2012

I’ve been telling people for years that when they see me in the coffee shop staring into space over a skinny flat white, that I’m actually working. Now researchers have shown that there is some truth in this, and that the moderate levels of ambient noise found in coffee shops actually enhance your ability to think creatively.

This is good because I’ve been trying to crack a problem I’m having with Starbucks. They’ve started asking my name and writing it on a cup. The idea is that when your drink is ready somebody shouts your name. Each time I’ve had my name written on a cup, they’ve made my drink and then shouted “Flat white” which makes the whole thing seem a little pointless. Next time they ask my name I’m going to tell them its Flatwhite then I won’t be disappointed when my drink is ready.

If you’ve got a problem to crack today, maybe steer clear of the library and head for a creative coffee.

Is noise always bad? Exploring the effects of ambient noise on creative cognition Journal of Consumer Research


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