School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

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Catalogue d’Objets Introuvables

July 2, 2012

Jaques Carelman was a French painter, sculptor, illustrator, set designer and fundamentally self-taught man. Before his death in April 2012 he created his Catal0gue d’Objects Introuvables (Catalogue of Impossible Objects). He said “Human activities are countless and varied. Some make airplanes, others turn into public funds or into a conversation. Personally, I prefer to strip common objects of their normal use. It’s less dangerous, more honest and infinitely  more fun!  My objects, as opposed to objects worshipped by our consumer  society, are perfectly useless.”

Have a look at the whole catalogue here. It’s as thought provoking as it is hilarious.

Have a curious day.


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