School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

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Linger longer

June 29, 2012

We all have ups and downs in life , but faced with the choice I expect we would all quite rather like to linger a little longer rather than face the alternative. Dan Buettner has visited what he calls the ‘blue zones’ – places where people live much longer than the norm. Places like Sardinia, Okinawa in Japan, Loma Linda in California and Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. As you would expect  a big factor in living longer is maintaining good habits. What’s great though is that Buettner found that just having an expectation of living longer is a big part of it. Many of us have a fear of doing this in case it brings on some kind of a jinx.

Expect to have a long and healthy life. The chances are you will do things to make it happen. Let’s all try to linger longer.


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