School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

Explore. Dream. Discover.

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The big picture

September 12, 2012


According to a Guardian supplement on Time here are four ways to incorporate the bigger picture into the small aspects of our everyday lives….

1. Take your time: We tend to favour quick results, but what might we achieve if we decide to dedicate years, rather than months to something? What project can you start that will sustain your interest for a lifetime?

2. Expand your notions of success: Don’t limit yourself to the ideas of success held by your family or culture.

3. Contemplate death: If you knew you only had 12 months to live what would you do? What’s stopping you doing it now?

4. Build a legacy now: Why are you waiting? What legacy do you want to start creating now?

Have a curious day.



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