School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

Explore. Dream. Discover.

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The facts about the stats

September 3, 2012

Just in case you missed them, here are the all time top five posts on The School of Curiosity….

1. James Ward – he likes boring things

2. 50 things to do before you’re eleven and three quarters

3. Keep calm and drink tea

4. Please stare

5. The Esperanto of fonts

Have a curious day.

The Esperanto of fonts

July 4, 2012

This little critter is called an Interrobang. In the 1960′s, advertising executive Martin Speckter was looking for a way to express astonishment. He combined the question mark with an exclamation mark. Others suggested that it should be called an Exclamaquest and a Quizding, but Interrobang was the chosen name. Remington and IBM put it onto their typewriter keyboards. It’s success was shortlived, but if you want to print one off you can find one in Microsoft Wingdings menu.

Personally, I think it sounds better than it looks. Next time I have to express astonishment I’m determined to say it out loud “What an incredible glass of wine, Interrobang”. Try it… feels good, Interrobang.

Have a curious day.


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