School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

Explore. Dream. Discover.

You can scroll the shelf using and keys

One red paperclip

July 5, 2012

Kyle Macdonald had a red paper clip, but what he really wanted was a house. He decided to adapt an idea he had seen in a game called ‘bigger and better’ where people swapped things.

Using the website Craigslist he advertised his one red paperclip to see if anyone wanted to swap it. He was able to swap it for a doorknob. He swapped the doorknob for a camping stove and the stove for a keg of beer. He was well on his way.

Just fourteen swaps later Kyle’s one red paperclip had transformed into a house in Saskatoon.

All big things start small. The power is not in what you have. It is in what you do with it.

Have a curious day


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