School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

School of Curiosity

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The Joy of Books

February 11, 2013 , , , , ,

What would happen if the printed book had just been invented in a high-tech world in which people had never done their reading from anything but computer screens?

“The unquestionable advantages of the computer would not be threatened by this new product but the people, who so love to compare apples with pears, would be quite bowled over by this ultra-modern invention: after years spent chained to the screen they would suddenly have something they could open like a window or a door – a machine you can physically enter!

For the first time knowledge would be combined with a sense of touch and gravity – this new invention allows you to experience the most incredible sensations, reading becomes a physical experience. And after experiencing knowledge only as a bundle of connections, as a system of interacting networks, suddenly here is individuality: every book is an independent personality, which cannot be taken apart or added to at will. And how relaxing these new reading appliances are, their operating systems never needs updating – the only thing that changes over the course of time is the message that they contain, which is always open to new interpretations.”

Juan Villoro, Mexican writer and journalist.

Have a curious day.

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